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tv   [untitled]    November 1, 2012 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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agreed journalist faces trial for publishing a list of the country's alleged top tax evaders as media workers strike over thrust of freedom of speech. third party us presidential kinds of jewels stein is arrested for a minor offense once again just days ahead of the election which critics claim could be rigged funds to flaws in the voting system. and the british prime minister david cameron suffers a crushing defeat with party rebels turning on his plans to give money to the new.
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hello and welcome to r.t. twenty four hour news life for most of my name is you. story now greek reporter and editor cost us vaxevanis is facing a trial charged with breaching privacy laws they saw after he published the so-called lagarde list containing the names of wealthy greeks with secret swiss bank accounts and for monday so now across live to ask a contributor ironies i could do it in first good morning ari nice to see you so do tell us more about the trial of course suspects have on this. good morning first of all where outside the main headquarters of greek. greek the journalists who work at the republic than a resume are on strike called the twenty four hours we talk about this later on about what savan is now he faces court today. now he should be at the court and we expect to see what is going to happen they say that he has violated the privacy laws for publishing the names. overseas deposit tours and
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the main problem is that even though the greek government this one the past one when mr mckibben been was finance minister had god how did this lease the lease a la garde place as it is called he gave it to nobody and he told no couple days ago he told that he has lost it and it means there are books of ami's of the journalist decided to to publish it now he faces court because of this and the morning good to eat or he told of that he wanted journalist which of these by him to go to go with him to the court and he said he's ready to go to prison if he was to talk about press freedom. here mention of it yesterday we saw some intense process in front of the parliament building and we know the employees of state t.v. channel as well he all she had gone on strike is there more unrest in store for
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today. first of all yesterday all the media had been had the cold the twenty four hours tried because according to the new measures their health care fans where affected yesterday of the amendment that had to do with journalists found didn't pass that we had in your amendment that should be voted on monday so it makes monday we have another twenty four hours drive in all of the media in greece today we have a twenty four hour strike only here only in greek public television here are journalists and are on strike because of this and spend of two famous or to be present there is a last week and apart from this they the arrows strike because they don't want to. more people who lose their jobs here there are better there are
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germans who work. with contracts and in february when their contracts ends they will lose their jobs so germans think no more job cuts and they want that to present theirs to go back to their to their program. so you. do live from athens every need thank you very much indeed and we'll talk to you later of course as well. meanwhile to greek t.v. presenters were suspended on monday after they criticised a minister on air journalists to greece have station away with strikes condemning the government for censorship as were just heard as sociologist has so terese believes the crimes out on the media reveals much deeper internal problems. the greek government worst critic governments are second to really have not only refused to actually investigate this latest bad they have they have adopted a very suspicious idea to know how least with people who have committed perhaps tax
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fraud and evasion here but those instead of bringing it forward instead of investigating they were just sitting on it with a journalist comes she brings it to the public knowledge which i think is that it is in the best traditions journalism and serving the public good i said yes i resisted for. breaking up the law in terms of all sensitive press in those days i would just not personally data this in names of people who have sent money abroad which is a serious issue in a country chasing a major economic crisis out this same time i will respect to well respected t.v. presenters after the announcement to louise and we're taking off the air we're taking off from here simply because they criticised the minister of interior and justice so where is the freedom of press if you if you combine government attacks and the fact that most major media outlets in greece are run by big corporations
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you have a problem in what concerns information to create a set an atmosphere that there must be things that should not be made public that. journalists or especially investigative journalists. play their role and that is bringing things forward breaking things to the public notice. and of course all the bring you the details of this developing story as we get them and you can also follow the latest on our website at aussie dot com. let's move on now just days before the u.s. presidential election green positrons a jill stein has been arrested for a second time in two weeks she was trying to reach its protesting against an oil pipeline in texas stein was later released from jail after being charged with trespassing great. alternative to obama and told me of being sidelined dr stein. was assisting the activists in order to make
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a statement she was delivering supplies to the protesters i understand that they were camping out in trees they were in the they were in the way of the construction of the pipeline we do know that the last time dr stan was arrested about two weeks ago and she attempted to enter the obama romney debate that was taking place at hofstra university on long island she and running mate jerry hogzilla were detained and handcuffed to a chair for for eight hours before being released the obama romney debates are sponsored by the commission on presidential debates which is itself owned by the democratic and republican parties for the express purpose of privileging their own candidates excluding other candidates and we we call that an outrage. so says parts kansans jule styne and gary johnson will get another chance to break
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the mainstream media blockade right on the eve of the vote he will broadcast the final round of that debates live on monday. we both agree we agree we have to bring the tax rates down i felt the same as the president did. you agree let's go back to something the president i agree on and there to be you agree that the voters have a choice perhaps you wonder who to vote for what romney and obama agree on so many things never you do have other options come november sixth tune in to see the second round of debates between the major third party candidates right here on r.g.p. . with obama and romney is still running neck and neck critics say the close race will make it easier to rake the election some claim the core of america's voting system is flawed as it relies on equipment which kind of easily beat tom by the way as unlocks transparency and accountability as also he's honest as he can i reports. the u.s.
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a beacon of democracy and an example to be followed by the rest of the world devoted to one big source of pride is its fundamental concept of free and fair elections american elections are a disgrace it's like looking into the kitchen of a first class restaurant and losing or appetite at what you see because we have an election system a voting system that is completely nontransparent an opinion shared by many political experts and educators if you were here. in a magician suit who then went behind the curtain came out having first shredded the ballots to go you won would you trust that process and that process largely to blame is the outdated al trying to moving system in the states where all they have this electronic voting it could be a real problem. if you don't have some other backup source to verify the vote count. and it could be a problem read friedman is an independent award winning blogger who has covered the
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u.s. election system for years he calls the problem a pandemic and says. change is long overdue every single state in the union uses electronic voting a third of the voters this year will vote on one hundred percent on verifiable touch screen voting systems electronic voting systems. the rest of the country by and large will vote on paper ballots but those paper ballots are also counted by electronic systems unless you can see inside a computer there's no way to know if those computers are tallied those ballots correctly several experiments conducted on electronic voting machines have proven that simple keystrokes and some knowledge of science and computers could flip results the circuitry inside the machine will clear being created in numbers and insert the correct pin numbers experts say the accuracy of the vote count even with people a trail is a myth in the ninety nine percent plus percent of the cases those ballots never see
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the light of day or never examined never reach out to basically american elections at this point have virtually zero claim on public confidence and which intimacy the rules and specific ations of how elections are held very locally and state by state four thousand different counties each of them use a different type of system a different type of voting system each of them have different flaws different vulnerabilities one particular company that makes electronic voting machines in the us has earned a dubious reputation for unverifiable results as records vanish into thin air i go to an a.t.m. and it's a double machine i get a confirmation slip and i go around the corner to vote and i you know make my vote and there's no record deeble don't other voter machine production companies are also known to have strong partisan affiliations they are not accountable to any voters. they are not just private but private and extreme in their political sympathies democrats don't actually win that many elections to be precise democrats
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almost never win close elections and the trick therefore is to see to it that a. race is or looks close improving the election process in this digital age doesn't appear to be on anyone's agenda and putting barack obama our president who won't talk ever about election fraud and denies that it has ever happened even when you know members of his own party have been the victims of it and while the number of reported flaws grows with each passing election over the past decade since two thousand when. congress was pretending to want to make things better what has happened is things have gotten much much worse it appears stealing an election in the us may be a candidate certain way to secure a win it's easy as one two three in this digital age of smartphones tablets and satellite navigation systems american voters will head to the polls this november to cast their ballots using antiquated and unreliable voting machines machines that
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will ultimately determine who will lead this nation in much need of its own repairs as they say churkin are pretty new york. coming out standing out in. public gatherings as the government. come to light ahead of elections or reveal why iran is. gracefully dancing across the arctic tundra more than just it is a way of life traditionally the people are. herders and though in many ways they lead a simple and rustic life they are also highly skilled and organized. depending
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. on the day we found this particular camp they were settled near the coast of the . here for families work together to manage nearly a thousand reindeer herding reindeer is not just a job people in fact it's a part of their entire culture heritage and way of life and they say that they can use almost every single part of the reindeer to help them survive. a deer is a means of transportation. equipment to deal. with. the life in the tundra is harsh and so before winter hits many of the children are helicoptered to the center of the district for boarding school. students learn different languages utilize modern technologies through specialized
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grant programs and even learn arts skills all within a protected environment the school was founded. scientist who wanted a better way of life for his people but even with the most progressive ideas and education many that say they don't want to trade the modern life of their beloved tundra. i have returned to the tundra and i actually like it here if you're outside there's fresh air fresh water looks at the site you can see deer it's a joyful sight. a sentiment that hopefully ensures that russia's northern reindeer will have caretakers for generations to come. wealthy british style.
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markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser report. which brightened. the song from months to. dot com. if you're watching us he's great to have you with us let's continue we're just fine
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minister david cameron has suffered from his own policy wish revolted against the country's funding of the euro skeptic tories joint. forces with the opposition and approved a motion that calls for the u.k.'s cash flow to brussels to be cut and this is cameron's first significant defeat in parliament since taking power in twenty turn . has the details from london for what we saw a very passionate debate in the house of commons in the defeat also the former prime minister david cameron they were debating the negotiating position of the budget the fifty plus tory like benches have. the real cause for in the e.u. budget between twenty forty and twenty twenty and at the very minimum they want the ego to be for a user that david cameron's position the government's position was that whether they go to these negotiations that are happening in brussels in a couple of weeks time the meeting with european leaders they were going for was to
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have a rise in line with inflation which would have been about fifty percent well that was not really good enough it was very interesting in the house of commons is off we saw a lot of the m.p.'s for the first time talking and standing up for the voice of their constituents there's been a very very strong feeling that with such titles thirty most is home people think it simply isn't fair to the to be asking for their budget increase we had one person saying north a penny more that was the message from the people that he was speaking to as he said a very very impassioned debate is not going to be binding on the prime minister but it's certainly going to be putting him under pressure when he does need with european leaders in brussels later in the month. in bahrain protesters have defied a recent ban on public gatherings by flooding into the streets of the capital manama they're demanding their ruling sunni monarchy were nice political prisoners
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and put announce to discrimination authorities brought in the new restrictions on cheez-it claiming their rallies which have been calling for almost two years now cause death threats to national unity international human rights groups have called on the state to immediately libya by saying it violates basic freedoms after a sippy people have been killed and thousands arrested since the start of the rest for opposition and the failure is says nothing is being done to stop the government killings. against article seventeen of the constitution. it is against the national political and civil rights which is part of the local law actually over the past. three shows were peaceful very peaceful not the senior. chapter of the traitor and all the peaceful was of course attacked by the government police
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the problem is that over the past few months so many people who were killed by the government. and also lots of people are being tortured in the b.g. and there is no nothing being done if the government has received five billion dollars just recently from the very beginning of countries just to support it in this atrocity is really actually the way it is doing just. the money all over the world in the public relations just to clear. than supply its image why it is killing its people. by foreign army actually from pakistan from all over the world. meanwhile in another go. state kuwait security forces have clamped down on the thousand strong march against the detention of an opposition leader the crowd headed towards a prison where the former m.p. is held for critical comments about the country's western boxer leader but was
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stopped with tear gas and small bottles this comes amid rising tension over changes to both an election law the opposition is blaming the government for using various lation to favor pro regime candidates in next month's parliamentary poll. a massive explosion has reportedly killed around ten people on the outskirts of this sunday campus only louder the blast caused by a tonka blowing up near a petrol station almost leveled an entire industrial building schools of surrounding vehicles quickly caught fire from the exploding. u.s. attorneys to overthrow syrian president bashar al assad have taken a new turn with secretary of state clinton calling for a major reshaping of the rebel leadership washington has grown disillusioned with see the main opposition alliance the national council for failing to gain support from other groups clinton claims the leadership should represent those fighting on the frontline the syrian opposition consists of virus rebel militias many of which
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have reportedly been ample created by radical islamists links to al qaeda. israel has once again stepped up its anti iran brit trick prime minister benyamin netanyahu has been pushing for more outside pressure on tehran to stifle its atomic conditions during a visit to france the premier called for tougher sanctions on the islamic republic this despite the israeli defense minister ehud barak's claims to run had slowed its alleged nuclear weapons program and as are his policy reports now is domestic matters that lie behind the contrast in remarks. such comments are thirty part of the political game that has intensified here in israel and head of the general elections that are now going to be held next year until now has stood firmly in the same campus his prime minister benjamin. and yahoo both has repeatedly even warned against if the nuclear capability of the rand have warned of an impending israeli strike we saw it on yahoo not so long ago at the united nations general assembly
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during a red line but what many experts here in israel say is that that was a red line by which israel would strike iran rather than a red line in terms of a deadline by which tehran would acquire nuclear capability the rock heads up his own political party and certainly what he is trying to do now is distance himself from netanyahu on the whole iran question he is trying to appeal to voters who have not yet decided and this division between them does seem to suggest bracks saying that netanyahu may not have been completely truthful around the rainy and nuclear threat certainly there is a division not only on this level but in the greater political elite here in israel although the question is still unanswered whether or not israel plans to strike iran and if indeed it does win policy r.t. jerusalem. found a couple of minutes markson stays expose the dark secrets of the global financial industry the kaiser report is coming up next here on r.t.
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. the six america votes for its next president. who takes the wheel as the u.s. drives into the future. get the news the mainstream misses without. up close election coverage the u.s. election up close. and altie dot com.
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live. alone. government no longer represents the base. the people are going to take the term. least in the traditional flu to.
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the way our economic system currently lives. do we speak your language. news programs and documentaries in spanish matters to you breaking news a little tentative angle. story. here. spanish for a visit. as
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your welcome to the kaiser report you know in the old days back when bankers had the decency to jump shady businesses used to have to fly by night today shady business is fly by day no time is too brazen no theft too audacious for today's ponzi and fraud economy the private and social bankers operate in broad daylight. max it's all out there for you to see it's not very difficult to see what's going to happen this fiscal cliff is actually in economic and central banking banks are
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banking cliff that were approaching the first headline max database confirms max keiser guessed statement so this is regarding dominic frisby when he told you the story of having dinner with the head of gold at h.s.b.c. through which most gold in the world is transferred at some point or other and this head of gold at h.s.b.c. told him that despite the fact that china is the biggest producer he never sees bars with the chinese stamps on them so the bully on bars database search found that in the database i found zero matches for chinese manufactured gold bars in the g.l.d. records and also extended the query to see if other vaults had any i was mildly surprised to find none surprising because our current gold sample size includes data from not just h.s.b.c. london. but also royal canadian mint and via matt london hong kong in zurich that's right china is not putting any of their gold into the marketplace they are keeping it off for themselves and you mentioned fiscal cliff the fiscal cliff of course is
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the culmination of years and years of failing to take responsibility for a rogue economy that they're going to try to reconcile all at once when the entire population of america jumps off the fiscal cliff whether they do so in the next two months or six months or twelve months is irrelevant that fiscal cliff is coming the gold cliff is also coming and it's something that i think people need to be aware of that's right well actually that takes us to this next said i max gold reserves stored securely so after decades of trying the buddhist bank actually has responded to all the queries from data from large scholl from max kaiser they actually give a list of where their gold is stored and they say that despite frankfurt has one thousand and thirty six tons or thirty one percent of germany's gold the federal reserve bank of new york has one thousand five hundred thirty six tons or forty five percent.


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